Book a turtle sports report workoutIf you are feeling lonely while you are in Sin City, or are simply looking to live out one of your fantasies, you may be considering hiring an escort for the evening. After all, who wouldn't want to spend time with a beautiful woman and get to know each other more intimately? However, when you go to hire escorts, some companies send girls that seem to want to rush things along. They want the date to happen quickly so they can be done and move onto the next client. They don't take the time to really get to know you or your likes and dislikes. This can leave you feeling like you had a lackluster experience or like you weren't important to your date. Here at Turtle Sports Report, we are different.

We use the turtle in our name because it shows that our girls are willing to take the time to get to know you. Maybe you are a bit shy and need some coaxing to come out of your shell. We can help. Or maybe you just want to take your time and get to know the girl before moving on to the next step. Our girls are down for that too. We understand sports are fun, but taking your time to enjoy every minute instead of rushing it along can help enhance the experience and make it more pleasurable for all who are involved.

Are you looking to spice up your Vegas vacation? Or want to have some fun while you are away on business? But are you worried about taking things too fast? If so, we are the right escort agency for you. Our girls will go at your speed, helping to ensure you feel comfortable every step of the way. Give us a call today and we will send one of our beautiful women to your hotel room to engage in a date night filled with pleasurable sports that you won't soon forget.